TEL: 136-1177-3132

中频点焊机 | 龙门式多点焊机 | 中频缝焊机

来源:电阻焊    时间:2015-8-31 11:00:17


焊接 welding

熔焊  fusion welding(氧炔焊)

压焊  pressure welding

钎焊  brazing and soldering

brazing: 铜焊  ;   soldering:  软钎焊)

焊接过程  welding process

焊接技术  welding technique

焊接工艺  welding technology

焊接操作  welding operation

焊接顺序  welding sequence

焊接方向  direction of welding

焊接位置  position of welding

焊缝倾角  weld slope

焊缝转角  weld rotation

平焊位置  flat position of welding

仰焊位置  overhead position of welding

横焊位置  horizontal position of welding

立焊位置  vertical position of welding

对接焊  butt welding

角焊  fillet welding

搭接焊  lap welding

船形焊  fillet welding

定位焊  tack welding  (平头焊接、点焊)

单面焊  welding by one side

双面焊  welding by both sides

单道焊  single-pass(-run) welding

多道焊  multi-pass welding

单层焊  single layer welding

多层焊  multi-layer welding

打底焊  backing welding

封底焊  back sealing welding

左焊法  leftward welding

右焊法  rightward welding

自动焊 automatic welding

半自动焊  semi-automatic welding

手工焊  manual (hand) welding

堆焊  surfacing (overlaying)

塞焊  plug welding

槽焊  slot welding

焊剂垫  flux backing

焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing

窄间隙焊  narrow-gap welding

焊接条件  welding condition

焊接工艺参数  welding parameter (welding condition)

焊接电流  welding current

极性  polarity polung

正接  electrode positive (straight polarity)

反接  electrode negative (reversed polarity)

电流密度  current density

电弧电压  arc voltage

焊接速度  welding speed

线能量  heat input (energy input)

预热  preheat

后热  post heat

焊后热处理  post weld heat treatment

预热温度  preheat temperature

后热温度  post heating temperature

层间温度  inter pass temperature

焊丝伸出长度  wire extension

弧长arc length

熔化速度  melting rate

熔化时间  melting time

熔敷速度  deposition rate

熔化系数  melting coefficient

熔敷系数  deposition coefficient

熔敷效率  deposition efficiency

飞溅  spatter sprition

熔合比  penetration ratio

稀释  dilution

稀释率  rate of dilution

坡口  groove

坡口角度  included angle

钝边  root face

钝边高度  thickness

根部间隙  root gap (root opening)

卷边高度  height of flange

单面坡口  single groove

双面坡口  double groove

I形坡口  square groove

V形坡口 single V groove

U形坡口 single U groove

J形坡口  single J groove

X形坡口  double V groove

K形坡口  double bevel groove

Z形坡口  Z-type groove

Y形坡口  single V groove with broad root face

焊缝  weld

焊缝代号  welding symbols

焊缝金属  weld metal

填充金属  filler metal

熔敷金属  deposited metal

焊缝正面  face of weld

焊缝背面  back of weld

焊缝轴线  axis of weld

焊趾  toe of weld

焊缝宽度  weld width

焊缝长度  weld length

焊缝厚度  throat depth (throat thickness)

熔深  penetration

焊缝成形系数  form factor of weld

焊缝成形  appearance of weld

余高  reinforcement (excess weld metal)

对接焊缝  butt weld

角焊缝  fillet

焊脚  leg (of a fillet weld)

焊脚长度  leg length

连续焊缝  continuous weld

断续焊缝  intermittent weld

端接焊缝 edge weld

卷边焊缝  flanged edge weld

塞缝焊  plug weld

定位焊缝  flanged edge weld

环形焊缝  girth weld

焊道  bead

焊层  layer

焊波  ripple

焊根  root of weld

接缝  seam

焊接接头  welded joint

对接接头  butt joint

I形对接接头  square butt joint

V形对接接头  single V butt joint

U形对接接头  single U butt joint

J形对接接头  single J butt joint

X形对接接头  double V butt joint

K形对接接头  double bevel butt joint

Z形对接接头  z-type butt joint

角接接头  corner joint

T形接头  T-joint

十字接头  cruciform joint (cross-shaped joint)

搭接接头  lap joint

套管接头  muff joint (sleeve joint)

盖板接头  strapped joint

端接接头  edge joint   边缘(焊)接头

卷边接头  flanged edge joint

有间隙接头  open joint

无间隙接头  closed joint

电弧  arc

引弧  striking the arc

(striking arc  引电弧,引弧)

引弧电压  striking voltage

阴极  cathode

阳极  anode

弧柱  arc column (arc stream)

弧焰  arc flame

弧心  arc core

电弧力  arc force

电磁力  electro-magnetic force

(electromagnetic 电磁)

电磁收缩效应  pinch effect

电弧漂移  wandering

电弧稳定性  arc stability

电弧静特性  static characteristic of arc

电弧动特性  dynamic characteristic of arc

电弧挺度  arc stiffness


电弧偏吹  arc blow


磁偏吹  magnetic blow

熔滴  droplet tropfer

熔滴过度  metal transfer

熔池  molten pool (puddle)

弧坑  crater

熔渣  slag

碱性渣  basic slag

酸性渣acid slag

碱度  basicity

酸度  acidity

渣壳  solidified

熔渣流动性  fluidity

脱渣性  slag detachability

焊接设备  welding equipment (welding set)

焊机  welding machine

焊接电源  welding power source

焊接回路  welding circuit

负载持续率  duty cycle

空载电压  open circuit voltage

焊接热循环  weld thermal cycle

焊接温度场  weld temperature field

母材  base metal

焊接区  weld zone

焊缝区  weld metal zone

熔合线  weld junction (bond line)

熔合区  weld bind egrenzzone

热影响区  heat-affected

过热组织  overheated structure

过渡区  transition zone

硬化区  hardened zone

碳当量  carbon equivalent

连续冷却转变图(简称CCT图)  continuous cooling

Transformation diagram (CCT-diagram)

残余氢  residual Hydrogen

焊态  as-welded

焊接性  weld ability

焊接裂纹  weld crack

弧坑裂纹  crater crack

热影响区裂纹  heat-affected zone crack

晶间裂纹  inter crystalline rack

热裂纹  hot crack

冷裂纹  cold crack

氢致裂纹  Hydrogen-Induced crack

延迟裂纹  delayed crack

再热裂纹  reheat crack

层状撕裂  lamellar tearing

焊接性试验  weld ability test

裂纹试验  cracking test

裂纹敏感性  cracking susceptibility

插销试验  implant test

最高硬度试验  maximum hardness test

测氢试验  Hydrogen test

焊接材料  welding material

电极  electrode

熔化电极  consumable electrode

不熔化电极  non consumable electrode

焊条  electrode (covered electrode)

焊芯  core wire

焊条直径  core diameter

涂料  coating flux (material)

药皮  coating (of an electrode)

造渣剂  slag forming constituents

造气剂  gas forming constituents

稳弧剂  stabilizer

脱氧剂  deoxidizer

合金剂  alloying constituent

粘结剂  binder

药皮重量系数  gravity coefficient of coating

焊丝  welding wire (welding rod)

水下割条  Electrode for Under-Water Cutting

焊剂  Welding flux

电弧焊  Arc welding

直流电弧焊  Direct current arc welding



交流电弧焊  Alternating current arc welding

熔化极电弧焊  Arc welding with Consumable Electrode

不熔化极电弧焊  Arc welding with Nonconsumable Electrode

重力焊  Gravity welding

电弧堆焊  Arc Surfacing

埋弧焊  Submerged-Arc welding

自调节电弧焊  Self-Adjusting Arc Welding

气体保护电弧焊  Gas Shielded Arc Welding

保护气体  Shielded Gas

惰性气体  Inert-Gas

活性气体  Active-Gas

惰性气体保护焊  Insert-Gas (Arc) Welding

氩弧焊  Argon Arc Welding

熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊  Melt Inert-Gas Arc Welding

钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊  Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding

活性气体保护电弧焊  Melt Active gas Arc Welding (MAG Welding)

二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊  Carbon-Dioxide Arc Welding (CO2 Arc welding)

混合气体保护电弧焊  Mixed Gas Arc Welding

原子氢焊  Atomic-Hydrogen welding

电弧焊设备  Arc Welding Machine (Arc Welder)

弧焊电源  Arc Welding Power Source

电源外特性  external characteristic

电源动特性  dynamic characteristic

弧焊发电机  arc welding generator

弧焊变压器  arc welding transformer

弧焊整流器  arc welding rectifier

氩弧焊机  argon arc welding machine

二氧化碳弧焊机  CO2 arc welding machine

跟踪装置  tracer verfolger

焊车  welding tractor

焊钳  electrode holder

焊枪  welding gun

导电嘴  tip (contact tube)

喷嘴  nozzle

高频振荡器  Oscillator (HF Unit)

气焊 gas welding

氧乙炔焊  oxy-hydrogen welding

氢氧焊  oxy-hydrogen welding

氧乙炔焰  oxy-acetylene flame

氢氧焰  oxy-hydrogen flame

混合比  mixing ratio

中性焰  neutral flame

氧化焰  oxidizing flame

碳化焰  carbonizing flame

焊炬  torch (blow pipe)

氧乙炔焊炬  oxy-acetylene torch

焊割两用炬  combined cutting and welding

气瓶  gas cylinder gas flask


回烧防止器  flash-back arrestor

乙炔发生器  acetylene generator

乙炔瓶  acetylene cylinder

电渣焊  electro-slag welding

电渣堆焊  electro-slag surfacing

电渣焊机  high grade energy welding

高能焊  high grade energy

等离子弧焊  plasma are welding

等离子弧  plasma are

等离子弧焊枪  plasma torch

等离子气  plasma gas welding

等离子弧堆焊  plasma arc surfacing

等离子弧焊机  plasma arc welding machine

电子束焊  electron beam welding

电子束焊机  electron beam welding machine

电子枪  electron gun

激光焊  laser welding

激光焊机  laser welding equipment

热剂焊  thermal welding

热喷涂  thermal spraying

水下焊  under water welding

电阻焊  resistance welding

点焊  spot welding

凸焊  projection welding

缝焊  seam welding

滚点焊  roll-spot welding

储能焊  stored energy welding

电阻焊机  resistance welding machine

点焊机  spot welding machine

缝焊机  seam welding machine

对焊机  butt resistance welding machine

凸焊机  projection welding machine

摩擦焊  friction welding

爆炸焊  explosive welding

固态焊接solid-state welding

扩散焊  diffusion spot welder

超声波焊ultrasonic welding

超声波点焊机  ultrasonic spot welder

超声波缝焊机  ultrasonic seam welder

冷压焊  cold pressure welding

热压焊  hot pressure welding

热轧焊  hot roll welding

锻焊  forge-welding (blacksmith welding)

钎料  brazing filler metal (solder)

钎剂  brazing flux (soldering flux)

硬钎料  brazing filler metal

软钎料  solder

硬钎焊  brazing

软钎焊  braze ability

钎焊性  braze ability

润湿性  wet ability

铺展性  spread ability

烙铁  solder iron

钎接焊  braze-welding

热切割  thermal cutting

气割  gas cutting

电弧切割  carbon arc air gouging

碳弧切割  carbon arc cutting

水下切割  underwater cutting

等离子弧切割  plasma arc cutting

激光切割  laser cutting

碳弧气刨  carbon arc air gouging

手工气割  manual oxygen cutting

自动气割  automatic oxygen cutting

预热氧  preheat oxygen

切割氧  cutting oxygen drag

后拖量  riefennachlauf

割矩  cutting torch

割枪  cutting gun

焊接车间  welding shop

塑性断裂  plastic fracture

脆性断裂  brittle fracture

焊件  weldment

焊接部件  weld assembly

焊接结构welded structure (construction)

接头设计  joint design

焊接应力  welding stress

焊接残余应力  welding residual stress

热应力  themal stress

消除应力  stress residual

焊接变形  welding deformation

焊接残余变形  welding residual deformation

局部变形  local deformation

角变形  angular distortion

拘束度  restraint intensity

断裂力学  fracture mechanic

断裂韧性  fracture toughness

引弧板  run-on tab

引出板  run-off tab

定位板  strong-back

焊接夹具  welding jig (fixture)

清根  back chipping

清渣  slag removal

焊接工作台  welding bench

焊接翻转机  welding tilter

焊接回转台  floor turntable positioner

焊接变位机  positioner

焊接滚轮架  turning rolls

焊接机器人  welding robot

适应控制焊接  adaptive control welding

焊接烟尘  weld fume

焊接有害气体  welding toxic gases

焊接发尘量  total amount of fumes

焊接发尘速率  weld fume emission rate

电光性眼炎  eye-flash (arc eye)

面罩  helmet

黑玻璃  filter (welding)

防护白玻璃  cover (plain) glass

气焊眼镜  welding goggles

焊接缺陷  welding defects

未焊透  incomplete

未熔合  lack of fusion (incomplete)

夹杂物  inclusion

气孔  blowhole

裂纹  crack

咬边  undercut

焊瘤  overlap

烧穿  burn through

凹坑  pit

未焊满  incompletely

塌陷  excessive penetration

夹渣  slag inclusion

无损检验  non-destructive test

超声探伤  ultrasonic inspection

射线探伤  radiographic

渗透探伤  penetrate inspection

荧光检验  fluorescent penetrate inspection

着色检验  dye penetrate inspection

磁粉探伤  magnetic particle examination

密封性检验  leak test leak-test

气密性检验  air tight test

破坏检验  destructive test

水压试验  hydraulic test

气压试验  pneumatic test

声发射检验  acoustic emission

外观检查  visual examination





AHW  原子氢焊

B  硬钎焊

CAW  碳弧焊

CO2W  二氧化碳气体保护焊

DFW  扩散焊

EASP  电弧喷涂

EBW  电子束焊

EGW  气电立焊

ESW  电渣焊

EW  爆炸焊

FCAW  药芯焊

FLSP  火焰喷涂

FRW  摩擦焊

FW  闪光对焊

HFRW  高频电阻焊

GTAW  气体钨极电弧焊

LBC  激光切割

LBW  激光焊

MAG  活性气体保护电弧焊

MAW-P  熔化极脉冲氩弧焊

MIG  熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊

OAW  氧乙炔焊

OFC-A  氧乙炔气割

PAC  等离子弧切割

PAW  等离子弧焊

PSP  等离子弧喷涂



Welding Terminology(GB/T 3375-94)



焊接  welding

焊接技能  welding technique

焊接方法  welding process

焊接工艺  welding procedure

焊接工艺规范(程)welding procedure specification

焊接操作  welding operation

焊接顺序  welding sequence

焊接方向  progress of welding

焊接回路  welding circuit

坡口  groove

开坡口  beveling (of the edge)

单面坡口  single groove

双面坡口  double groove

坡口面  groove face

坡口角度  groove angle

坡口面角度  bevel angle (angle of preparation)

接头根部  root of joint

根部间隙  root opening

根部半径  root radius / groove radius

钝边  root face

接头  joint

接头设计  joint design

对接接头  butt joint

角接接头  corner joint

T形接头  T-joint

搭接接头  lap joint

十字接头  cruciform joint

端接接头  edge joint

卷边接头  edge-flange joint

套管接头  sleeve joint

斜对接接头  scarf joint

锁底接头  lock joint

母材金属  base metal, parent metal

热影响区  heat-affected zone

过热区  overheated zone


熔合线(熔化焊)  weld interface

焊缝  weld

焊缝区  weld zone

焊缝金属区  weld metal area

定位焊缝  tack weld

承载焊缝  strength weld

连续焊缝  continuous weld

断续焊缝  intermittent weld

纵向焊缝  longitudinal weld

横向焊缝  transverse weld

环缝  girth weld, circumferential weld

螺旋形焊缝  spiral weld, helical weld

密封焊缝  seal weld

对接焊缝  butt weld

角焊缝  fillet weld

正面角焊缝  fillet weld in normal shear

侧面角焊缝  fillet weld in parallel shear

并列断续角焊缝  chain intermittent fillet weld

交错断续角焊缝  staggered intermittent fillet weld

凸形角焊缝  convex fillet weld

凹形角焊缝  concave fillet weld

端接焊缝  edge weld

塞焊缝  plug weld

槽焊缝  slot weld

焊缝正面  face of weld

焊缝背面  root surface

焊缝宽度  weld width

焊缝厚度  actual throat

焊缝计算厚度  theoretical throat

焊缝凸度  convexity

焊缝凹度  concavity

焊趾  weld toe

焊脚  fillet weld leg

焊脚尺寸  fillet weld size

熔深  depth of fusion

焊缝成形系数  form factor  (of the weld)

余高  weld reinforcement

焊根  weld root

焊缝轴线  axis of weld

焊缝长度  weld length

焊缝金属  weld metal

焊缝符号  welding symbols

手工焊  manual welding

自动焊  automatic welding

机械化焊接  mechanized welding

定位焊  tack welding

连续焊  continuous welding

断续焊  intermittent welding

对接焊  butt welding

角焊  fillet welding

搭接焊  lap welding

卷边焊  flange welding

车间焊接  shop welding

工地焊接  field welding

补焊(返修焊)  repair welding

焊接参数  welding parameter

焊接电流  welding current

焊接速度  welding speed

引弧电压  striking voltage

电弧电压  arc voltage

热输入  heat input

熔化速度  melting rate

熔化系数  melting coefficient

熔敷速度  deposition rate

熔敷系数  deposition coefficient

合金过渡系数  transfer efficiency ; recovery (of an element)

熔敷效率  deposition efficiency

送丝速度  wire feed rate

保护气体流量  shield gas flow rate

焊丝间距  distance between wire

稀释  dilution

预热  preheat

后热  postheat

预热温度  preheat temperature

后热温度  postheat temperature

道间温度(俗称层间温度)  interpass temperature

焊态  as welded

焊接热循环  weld thermal cycle

焊接温度场welding temperature field

焊后热处理  postweld heat treatment

焊接性  weldability

焊接性试验  weldability test

焊接应力  welding stress

焊接残余应力  residual stress

焊接变形  welding deformation

焊接残余变形  welding residual deformation

拘束度  restraint intensity

碳当量  carbon equivalent

扩散氢  diffusible hydrogen

残余氢  residual hydrogen

焊件  weldment

焊接车间  welding shop

电极  electrode

熔化电极  consumable electrode

焊接循环  welding cycle

熔焊(熔化焊)  fusion welding

熔池  molten pool ; puddle

弧坑  crater

熔敷金属  deposited metal

熔敷顺序  build up sequence

焊道  bead

根部焊道  root bead

打底焊道  backing bead

封底焊道  back bead

熔透焊道  penetration bead

摆动焊道  weave bead

线状焊道  stringer bead

焊波  ripple

焊层  layer

焊接电弧  welding arc

引弧  stiking

电弧稳定性  arc stability

电弧挺度  arc stiffness

电弧力  arc force

电弧动特性  dynamic characteristic of arc

电弧静特性  static characteristic of arc

脉冲电弧  pulsed arc

硬电弧  forceful arc

软电弧  soft arc

电弧自身调节  arc self-regulation

电弧偏吹(磁偏吹)  arc blow

弧长   arc length

熔滴过渡  metal transfer

粗滴过渡(颗粒过渡)  globular transfer

短路过渡  short circuiting transfer

喷射过渡  spray transfer

脉冲喷射过渡  pulsed spray transfer

极性  polarity

正接  straight polarity

反接  reversed polarity

焊接位置  welding position

焊缝倾角  inclination of weld axis

焊缝转角  weld rotation

平焊位置  flat position

横焊位置  horizontal position

立焊位置  vertical position

仰焊位置  overhead position

平角焊位置  horizontal vertical position

仰角焊位置  horizontal overhead position

平焊  flat position welding

横焊  horizontal position welding

立焊  vertical position welding

仰焊  overhead position welding

船形焊  fillet welding in the flat position

向上立焊  vertical up position welding

向下立焊  vertical down position welding

平角焊  horizontal vertical position welding

仰角焊  horizontal overhead position welding

倾斜焊  inclined position welding

左焊法  forehand welding

右焊法  backhand welding

分段退焊  backstep sequence

跳焊  skip sequence

单面焊  welding by one side

双面焊  welding by both sides

单道焊  single-pass welding

多道焊  multi-pass welding

多层焊  multi-layer welding

分段多层焊  block sequence welding

堆焊  surfacing

带极堆焊  strip surfacing

打底焊  backing welding

封底焊  back welding

衬垫焊  welding with backing

焊剂垫焊  welding with flux backing

气焊  oxyfuel gas weldnig

氧乙炔焊  oxy-acetylene welding

氢氧焊  oxy-hydrogen welding

氧乙炔焰  oxy-acetylene flame

氢氧焰  oxy-hydrogen flame

中性焰  neutral flame

氧化焰  oxidizing flame

碳化焰  carburizing flame (reducing flame)

焰芯  cone

内焰  internal flame

外焰  flame envelope

一次燃烧  primary combustion

二次燃烧  secondary combustion

火焰稳定性  flame stability

混合比  mixing ratio

气焊炬  oxyfuel gas welding torch

射吸式焊(割)炬  low pressure blowpipe

等压式焊(割)炬  hith pressure blowpipe

焊割两用炬  combined blowpipe for cutting and welding

乙炔发生器  acetylene generator

低压乙炔发生器  low pressure acetylene generator

中压乙炔发生器  medium pressure acetylene generator

减压器  gas regulator

回火  backfire

持续回火  sustained backfire

回烧  flashback

回流  backflow

回火保险器  flashback arrester

电弧焊  arc welding

焊条电弧焊  shielded metal arc welding

重力焊  gravity feed welding

碳弧焊  carbon arc welding

槽焊  slot welding 

塞焊  plug welding

深熔焊  deep penetration welding

螺柱焊  stud welding

电弧点焊  arc spot welding

埋弧焊  submerged arc welding

多丝埋弧焊  multiple-wire submerged arc welding

气体保护电弧焊  gas metal arc welding (GMAW)

压缩喷嘴  constricting nozzle

压缩喷嘴孔径  orifice diameter

孔道长度  orifice throat length

孔道比  orifice throat ratio

等离子气  orifice gas

窄间隙焊  narrow gap welding

原子氢焊  atomic hydrogen welding

电渣焊  electroslag weldnig

渣池  slag bath

电子束焊  electron beam welding

电子枪  electron gun

加速电压  accelerating potential

束流beam current

电子束功率  beam power

激光焊  laser beam welding

水下焊  under water welding

热剂反应  thermit reaction

热剂焊  thermit welding

热喷涂  thermal spraying

火焰喷涂  flame spraying

电弧喷涂  arc spraying

等离子弧喷涂  plasma spraying

焊钳  electrode holder

焊枪  arc welding gun

焊接机头  welding head

喷嘴  nozzle

气体喷嘴  gas nozzle

电弧喷涂喷嘴  nozzle for arc spraying

火焰喷涂喷嘴  nozzle for flame spraying

导电嘴  contact tube

送丝机构  wire feeder

铜滑块  backing shoe

清根  backgouging

飞溅  spatter

飞溅率  spatter loss rate

焊接烟尘  weld fumes

焊接有害气体  weld harmful gases

焊接发尘量  total amount of weld fumes

压焊  pressure welding

固态焊  solid-state welding(SSW)


锻焊  forge welding(FOW)

扩散焊  diffusion welding(DFW)

气压焊  pressure gas welding(DGW)

冷压焊  cold welding(CW)

摩擦焊  friction welding

爆炸焊  explosion welding

超声波焊  ultrasonic welding

电阻焊  resistance welding

电阻对焊  upset welding

闪光对焊  flash welding

高频电阻焊  high frequency upset welding

电阻点焊  resistance spot welding

多点焊  multiple spot welding

手压点焊  push welding

间接点焊  indirect welding

串联电阻点焊  series welding

并联电阻点焊  parallel welding

脉冲点焊  multiple-impulse welding

胶接点焊  weld bonding

缝焊  seam welding

滚点焊  roll spot welding

步进点焊  step-by-step spot welding

步进缝焊  step-by-step seam welding

凸焊  projection welding

电容贮能点焊  condenser discharge spot welding

电极压力  electrode force

顶锻力  upset force

预压时间  squeeze time 

预热时间  preheat time

闪光时间  flash time

顶锻时间  upset time

锻压时间  forge time

焊接通电时间(电阻焊)  resistance welding weld time

间歇时间  quench time

回火时间(电阻焊)  temper time

休止时间  off time

预热电流  preheat current

回火电流  temper current

闪光电流  flash current

顶锻电流  upset current

分流  shunting

闪光  flash

闪光留量  flash allowance

顶锻  upset

顶锻留量  upset allowance

顶锻速度  upset speed

工作行程  operational stroke

辅助行程  electrode travel

调伸长度  extension

总留量  total allowance

熔核  nugget

熔核直径  nugget size

焊透率  penetration rate

电阻焊点  resistance spot weld

焊点距  spot weld spacing

边距  edge distance

压痕  indentation

压痕深度  depth of indentation

电极头  electrode tip

滚轮电极  circular electrode

电极滑移  electrode skid

电极粘损  electrode pick-up

贴合面  faying surface

缩孔  shrinkage cavity

喷溅  splash

飞边  fin


硬钎焊  brazing

软钎焊  soldering

硬钎料  brazing filler metal

软钎料  solder

自钎剂硬钎料  self-fluxing brazing filler metal

钎焊焊剂  brazing(soldering)flux

钎焊温度  brazing(soldering)temperature

硬钎缝  braze

软钎缝  solder

硬钎缝金属  braze metal

软钎缝金属  solder metal

钎焊接头  brazed(soldered)joint

硬钎焊面  braze interface

软钎焊面  solder interface

钎缝间隙  joint clearance(brazing and soldering)

烙铁钎焊  iron soldering

火焰钎焊  torch brazing(soldering)

电阻钎焊  resistance brazing(soldering)

电弧硬钎焊  arc brazing

感应钎焊  induction brazing(soldering)

浸渍硬钎焊  dip brazing(DB)

浸渍软钎焊  dip soldering(DS)

炉中钎焊  furnace brazing(soldering)

真空硬钎焊  vacuum brazing

超声波软钎焊  ultrasonic soldering

钎焊性  brazability (solderability)

润湿性  wettability

铺展性  spreadability

烙铁  soldering iron

钎炬  soldering(brazing)blowpipe

溶蚀  erosion

焊接材料  welding material

焊条  covered electrode

焊芯  core wire

药皮  coating

涂料  coating mixture, coating material

钛铁矿型焊条  ilmenite electrode

钛钙型焊条  titania calcium electrode

高钎维钠型焊条  high cellulose sodium electrode

高钎维钾型焊条  high cellulose potassium electrode

高钛钠型焊条  high titania sodium electrode

高钛钾型焊条  high titania potassium electrode

低氢钠型焊条  low hydrogen sodium electrode

低氢钾型焊条  low hydrogen potassium electrode

氧化铁型 焊条  high iron oxide electrode

重力焊条  gravity electrode

底层焊条  backing welding electrode

立向下焊条  electrode for vertical down position welding

低尘低毒焊条  low fume and toxic electrode

稳弧剂  arc stabilizer

粘结剂  binder

熔渣  slag

碱性渣  basic slag

酸性渣  acid slag

碱度  basicity

酸度  acidity

熔渣流动性  fluidity of the slag

焊渣  solidified slag

脱渣性  detachability

焊条工艺性  usability of electrode

药皮重量系数  gravity coefficient of coating

偏心度  concentricity

焊丝  welding wire

药芯焊丝  flux cored electrode

保护气体  shielding gas

焊条规格  size of electrode

焊条夹持端  bare terminal(of an electrode)

焊条引弧端  striking end(of an electrode)

焊条压涂机  welding rod extrusion press

焊条保温筒  thermostat container for electrode

焊剂  flux

熔炼焊剂  fused flux

烧结焊剂  sintered flux, agglomerated flux

热切割  thermal cutting

气割  oxygen cutting

氧熔剂切割  metal power cutting

氧矛切割  oxygen lance cutting

电弧切割  arc cutting

等离子弧切割  plasma arc cutting

激光切割  laser beam cutting

火焰气刨  oxygen gouging

火焰穿孔  flame boring

火焰净化  flame clearing

碳弧气刨  carbon arc cutting

火焰表面清理  scarfing

仿形切割  shape cutting

数控切割  NC cutting

水下切割  under water cutting

割炬  oxyfuel gas cutting torch

割嘴  oxyfuel gas cutting torch

快速割嘴  high speed nozzle

预热火焰  preheat flame

预热氧  preheat oxygen

切割氧  cutting oxygen

切割速度  cutting speed

切口  kerf

切口宽度  kerf width

切割面  face of cut

切割线  line of cut

后拖量  drag

切割面平面度  evenness of surface

割纹深度  stria depth

上缘熔化度  melting degree

切口角  kerf angle

焊接夹具  fixture

焊接工作台  welding bench

焊接操作机  manipulator

焊接变位机  positioner

焊接滚轮架  turning rolls

电磁平台  electromagnetic platen

焊工升降台  welder’s lifting platform

定位板  strong-back

引弧板  starting weld tab

引出板  runoff weld tab

焊接衬垫  backing

焊剂垫  flux backing

敲渣锤  chipping hammer

面罩  helmet

滤光玻璃  filter plate

防护白玻璃  plain glass

焊工手套  welding glove

护脚  spats

焊接缺陷  weld defects

未焊透  incomplete joint penetration

未熔合  incomplete fusion, lack of fusion

夹渣  slag inclusion

夹杂物  inclusion

夹钨  tungsten inclusion

气孔  porosity

咬边  undercut

焊瘤  overlap

白点fish eye

烧穿  burn-through

凹坑  pit

未焊满  incompletely filled groove

下塌  excessive penetration

焊接裂纹  weld crack

热焊纹  hot crack

弧坑裂纹  crater crack

冷裂纹  cold crack

延迟裂纹  delayed crack

焊根裂纹  root crack

焊趾裂纹  toe crack

焊道下裂纹  under bead crack

消除应力裂缝  stress relief cracking

层状撕裂  lamellar tearing

裂纹敏感性  crack sensitivity

试件  test piece

试样  test specimen

无损检验  non-destructive testing

外观检查  visual examination

超声波探伤  ultrasonic inspection

射线探伤  radiographic inspection

磁粉探伤  magnetic particle inspection

渗透探伤  penetrant inspection

密封性检验  leak test

气密性检验  air tight test

破坏检验  destructive test


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